Best Books of 2022

Best Memories of 2022

FairyLoot Buddy Reads

Mini-Reviews #27: Two Twisted Crowns, Dark Corners & Mixed Signals
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

Mini-Reviews #26: The Legacies, Kill Joy & A Dowry of Blood
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

Most Anticipated Books | 2023 (July-December)
I’m back with my second half of the year anticipated releases list! I decided to break my list in half this year since there are usually a good amount of fall releases that aren’t granted covers or even announcements until closer to their release date and I didn’t want to

June Purchases | 2023
After last month’s blue and green theme, my purchases have reverted back to blue, white and black for June. I picked up a bunch of basics, a couple of cute summer dresses, several pairs of summer shoes, and some accessories to add to my outfits! I *think* I’m going to

Mini-Reviews #25: In the Weeds, The Block Party & Summer Rental
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

June Wrap Up | 2023
June was pretty on par with May for me reading-wise. I wouldn’t say I’m in a reading slump, but I was so stressed this whole month that I really couldn’t focus and I wasn’t able to read as much as I would have liked to. Unlike May where I was

June Book Haul | 2023
I did something I usually try very hard not to do when it comes to book hauling, but I bought a couple of full series without having read the first book. Here’s the thing, indie romance authors are getting picked up by traditional publishers in droves which means that the

July TBR | 2023
June completely flew by and I did a terrible job with that TBR. I only managed to read Bad Summer People, (but I’m currently in the middle of The Hotel Nantucket and The Block Party). With our week of family vacation, we had almost no downtime at all and I

July Book Releases | 2023
You can expect two anticipated releases post this week because in addition to my monthly releases post, I’m also going to be sharing my most anticipated books for the second half of the year later this week! July has a lot of thriller and romance releases on the horizon and

Mini-Reviews #24: The Seven Year Slip, Bad Summer People & Royal Blood
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve
Merrily Kristin is an NYC based lifestyle blog with a focus on books, fashion, city guides, and beyond.